Readin' and Dreamin'

Liberty and Other Stories

Liberty and Other Stories - Alexis Hall I loved these stories that took place in the world of [b:Prosperity|22544017|Prosperity (Prosperity, #1)|Alexis Hall||41999500], especially the first two stories.

The first story, which told of the first meetings of Ruben and Milord, was by far the best. It was short, so I don't want to give anything away, but WOW what an ending!

The second story told of a particularly disturbing governess job of one Miss Jane Grey. No idea if this contributed to the loss of some of her wits in the future, but I would't blame her if it did.

And I was fascinated by the third story, which basically was Byron Kae telling of his past and what led him into being a skycaptain.

The fourth story was interesting enough, but I did skim some. It's strong point was the introduction of a few new eccentric characters.

I loved the character of Miranda Lovelace and I'm holding out hope to hear more about her. What a character. And I really hope this is not the last time we hear from any of these characters.